Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Avengers 3.75" Shield Launcher Captain America

Captain America gets his turn in the spotlight. 

Decent figure, looks pretty good. He's got a new costume. The top half of it looks bulky and stiff. The blue portion of his torso is raised a little too much and the way it is sculpted makes it look like an armour piece. The red and white potion while movie accurate kind of reminds me of a girdle. No wonder there's no torso articulation. I'm fine with the rest of his costume. I like the shape of his boots. And I like the raised star on the front. I don't like the one on his back for the hole in the middle of it. The paint is okay. Its not as good as Iron Man and Loki. There's bleeding at the mask and and on his back. I think the blue is supposed to be darker. I'll check up on that when I watch the movie.     

Comparison with other Captain America figures. The time spent frozen must have shrunk him. He's slightly shorter than the First Avenger movie Captain America.

For accessories, he comes with his shield, a pistol and a shield launcher. Another shield is provided for use with the launcher. Its slightly bigger than the regular shield. The launcher has a clip and peg for you to attach it to his wrist or back. The clip is rather small and I couldn't comfortably attach it to his wrist. If you don't want to risk scraping paint off, you can have him  hold the peg portion instead. To fire the shield, you push the back of the launcher. The regular shield has only got straps for the figure to hold it with. 

Articulation. He's got a ball joint neck, ball hinge shoulders, swivel hinge elbows, ball hinge hips, thigh swivel and double jointed knees. Yup thats right, he's got double jointed knees, and what a difference it makes.  

I mentioned earlier about the figure being shorter. In armour Iron Man is supposed to be taller so this will work.  

I think this is one of the better figures in the line. Do check him out for yourself if you see him on the pegs. Thanks for viewing!  


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