Monday, January 28, 2013

Marvel Universe Nighthawk

Here's a look at the Marvel Universe Nighthawk.

First just a quick word about removing the figure from the tray. I'm sure you know how but sometimes we lose ourselves when opening a new figure. Like I did. I tried to pull Nighthawk out from the front. With his big cape it was a real stuggle. The easiest way is to pop the head off and remove the cape from the back first. I think I spent a few minutes stuggling before I realised this.

The figure is nice. He'll stand out amongst the rest with the shiny yellow of his costume and large cape. I like the cape. Its unique. It weighs him down though and he has trouble standing with it. There's some minor paint overlapping issues on his face and mask but I'm okay with it. The design on his costume is well painted except for the two points which connects to the lower torso.

He does not have any accessories aside from his cape. The collectible comic shot is of The Last Defenders #1. 

Articulation. Hes got a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, single hinge elbows, wrist swivel, torso pivot, waist rotation, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees, calf swivel and ankle hinge and pivot. He could do with a wrist hinge so he can use his claws better.  


Comparison shots.

Nighthawk is a nice addition. I'm not sure where to put him. I'll figure something out. Thanks for viewing!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Marvel Universe Puck

You've seen the largest figure in the wave. Now here's the smallest.

Puck is a great looking figure. Theres a good likeness. The left pupil is painted to the extreme left of his eye on my figure. Its quite annoying. Hes got great detail on his limbs. There are tiny lines etched on them. It gives the appearance of hair on his body. Its very well done. I think its better than having his hair painted on. His left hand looks a little big but I guess its better this way to enable him to do some acrobatic poses. The paint on his costume is great. Not so the paint on his skin. The paint is inconsistent in several areas. I'm okay with it as the plastic underneath is a lighter flesh colour so you can't really tell from a distance. I like the darker painted flesh tone. He can stand well. The way he was made, he'll be always leaning to his left.

He comes with Snowbird in owl form. There's nice feather detail on her. And she is well painted in light blue and white.

She can rest securely on either of Puck's wrist.

The collectible comic shot is of Alpha Flight #5.

Articulation. Theres a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, wrist swivel, peg hinge hips, calf swivel and ankle hinge and pivot. Some elbow and knee articulation would have been nice. He can look up and down very well. For the hips, the leg peg is attached up into his body. The legs can be rotated and he can spread them. He can only raise his legs slightly due to his body and the size of his legs. The left leg can be raised a little higher than his right.

He is able to stand on one hand. It just requires a little patience.

Hopefully the other members of Alpha Flight will be released.

Comparison shots.

Great figure. I can't help but feel a little shortchanged though. He should have been a pack in. Oh well at least we got him. Thanks for viewing!  

Monday, January 21, 2013

Marvel Universe Hercules

It looks to be a marvellous month. First new Marvel Legends and now new Marvel Universe figures. From wave 20 here's Hercules.

This Hercules figure is based on his 80s appearance. I would have preferred if he came in his sash and skirt attire. Here he's wearing a harness and belt with sculpted gauntlets and roman sandals. The harness prevents him from putting his arms down fully and it also hinders bicep rotation. The headsculpt is good, there's a good likeness. His hair and beard were well painted with a combination of light and dark brown. The arms are quite loose. In fact they popped off when I removed him from the package. He can stand very well.

Here he is stripped of his harness and belt. His trunks were painted on. The paint at the lower areas is good. I initially thought his trunks was a separate piece from the body. At the upper area the paint is a little faded and there are green paint streaks snaking up his body in some areas. I'm not bothered by it as it will be blocked by his belt. 

The collectible comic shot is of The Incredible Hercules #123.

He comes with his Golden Mace. Its well sculpted and painted. The top part is solid while the handle is flexible.

Hes got good articulation. Theres a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, single hinge elbows, swivel hinge wrists, torso pivot, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees, calf swivel, and ankle hinge and pivot. He can look up and down very well. Theres hardly any forwards and back movement for his torso but it can be rotated.  

Comparison shots.

Great figure. This wave is not yet available locally as far as I know. Thanks for viewing!