Monday, December 30, 2013

Cosfest Christmas 2013

One more event for the year to bring you. Here are pics of Cosfest Christmas.

Cosfest Christmas was held from 28 to 29 December 2013 at the Bugis+ atrium. This was the first edition of the event.

The event kicked off with a ribbon cutting ceremony.

Yuegene Fay (in white) was the special guest. 

Yuegene Fay (right)

There were several activities lined up. The first was the Running Man Cosplay. Teams had to go around the mall completing missions. Pictured below are the team leaders. 

From left to right: Yuegene Fay, Jokumi, Michii, Murasaki, Maria

Missions include charades, holding a pose without moving for a minute, performing Gangnam Style, collecting coscards and so on. You could keep track of the teams' progress via the Cosfest Facebook.

The event looked like lots of fun. A downside is it greatly reduced the number of cosplayers at the atrium to take photos of. Lol. 

Day 1 concluded with a Cosplay Workshop and a Christmas Gift Exchange. 

Day 2 began with an Anime Musical Performance. 

The Cosplay Competition followed soon after.

Fans had the opportunity to Meet and Greet Yuegene Fay and also get an autograph.

You can view all the pics in the galleries:

Cosplay Competition (better quality)
Cosplay Competition (Facebook)


Thanks for viewing!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Batman Unlimited Beware the Batman

Picked this up loose the other day. The seller must have really wanted to get rid of it as it was cheap.

I can see why some people are put off by it. He's plain, gangly and awkward looking. To be honest, I also didn't want it. But for the price I paid, I thought might as well get him for the animated collection. This is actually not too bad a figure. It's just the style of it. The look and likeness is spot on to how he appears in the show. The logo is a little hard to make out. He's got some paint issues, most notably around his mask. The edges have bleeding and a part of his cowl on his left side was not painted fully. He can stand quite decently despite his thin ankles. 

Articulation. He's got a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, swivel hinge elbows, wrist swivel, waist rotation, peg hinge hips, swivel hinge elbows and swivel hinge ankles. There's not much bend at the elbows and knees. And the ankle hinge is not very functionable.

Comparison shots.

We're unlikely to get any villains from the series. We can pull some from the Power Attack and Young Justice lines to keep him company.

Get this figure only if it's heavily discounted. Thanks for viewing!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Man of Steel Movie Masters General Zod (Kryptonian Armor)

Happy Holidays all! Take care to keep the noise down while Zod is around. He's nursing a sore neck and you won't want to annoy him when he's in foul mood.

There are a couple of different figures of Zod available. I chose this one as I think this it's the best of the lot. He looks fantastic. He's got a very good likeness to how he appeared in the movie. There's lots of great sculpted detail on his armour and it's well painted too. There's a silver wash on it which gives it a scratched up, battle worn look. We usually get a nice looking capes with our figures. Not with Zod though. His cape is tattered and frayed and has a worn look to it. The brownish patches are not as apparent on the actual figure.

He comes with a helmet. It's got great sculpted detail on it, even on the translucent area. It fits very well on his head. 

He also comes with a base bearing his symbol. It has the same textured detail like Superman's.

Articulation. He's got a ball joint neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, elbow hinge, wrist swivel, waist rotation, peg hinge hips, thigh swivel, knee hinge and ankle hinge. His shoulder armour restricts him from lifting his arms up side-wards fully. The most annoying part is that he can barely lift his legs due to his waist armour piece.

Comparison shots. I'll use him with both movie and comic figures.

Great figure. Pity about the articulation being restricted. Thanks for viewing!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Man of Steel Movie Masters Superman

Patience paid off. I finally got the Movie Masters Superman. Not that it was hard to find or anything. It was expensive when it first came out and I've been waiting for it to go on sale.

This is a great figure. The costume especially looks like it came straight out from the movie screen. It's got great textured detail on it. I like the cape too. It's big and flowy just like in the movie. He has no trouble standing. The head sculpt is decent. It has some resemblance to Henry Cavill. Something looks off. The hair was very well done.  

He comes with a very cool base. It's got the same textured detail like on his costume.

Articulation. He's got a ball joint neck, ball hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, elbow hinge, wrist swivel, waist rotation, peg hinge hips, thigh swivel, knee hinge and ankle hinge.

Comparison shots. He's a good fit with other DC Movie Masters figures.

Great figure. Thanks for viewing!