Monday, December 10, 2012

EOY 2012 Cosplay Festival

The EOY 2012 Cosplay Festival was held on 9th December 2012 at the Marina Barrage. I had some time that day and so decided to check it out. The free admission was a factor.  

This was my first visit to Marina Barrage. Here's a quick view of the place.


There's not much to look at but the place offers you a great view of the Marina Bay area and of the sea. Especially from the roof. Do bring a cap or an umbrella if you do visit.

Back to the event. Here's a quick overview of the various things you could see. In the courtyard were a couple of  Itasha. My favourite was the K-on! bike.

Fujiwara Yukino could be found hanging out at the cafe with her friends.

Here's the merchandise and stage areas.

There was quite a lot of merchandise available. You could pick up items like posters, badges and decals. There wasn't much toys though. The hottest items were refreshments.

Performances were held on stage throughout the day. I'm begining to be able to recognise more of the songs.

There were also various activities going on. Such as the EOY quest event where you had to "defeat" bugs and perform simple tasks.

The main attraction of course were the cosplayers. Props to them for being in costume and keeping a cool demeanour in the hot weather.

We could have really used some of the Ice King's powers.

I couldn't stay for the whole event. I missed out on the Cosplay Parade. But I saw enough to want to go again next year. 

All the images can be viewed here.

Thanks for viewing!


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