Sunday, December 30, 2012

Disney Store Exclusive Marvel Select Hulk Unleashed

Run for it! The Hulk has been unleashed!

Unleashed from the package that is. I like this figure. The headsculpt is great. Its nice he got a closed mouth for a change. And theres still plenty of anger and intensity left in his look. He's not as bulky as some previous Marvel Select Hulks. I quite like him leaner. There's a great amount of detail on him. I think they overdid the veins though. They actually creep me out a little. The pants are really well done. You can make out the seams on them. And the paint on it is excellent. There's also good paint application on his body. The various shades of green in particular. I don't like the black areas though. Its distracting. I think it may be better if his arms and feet had a touch of black too.  

The figure can stand well. The huge upper back makes him lean backwards when standing straight. You need to adjust his legs to correct it.  

He does not come with any accessories. Not that he needs any. But some twisted object or wrecked diorama piece would have been nice.

Articulation. Hes got a ball hinge neck, ball hinge shoulders, swivel hinge elbows, wrist swivel, waist rotation, ball hinge hips, thigh swivel, swivel hinge knees and ankle hinge. He can look down well. He can't lift his legs up much due to his thighs.

Comparison shots. He'll fit in fine with Marvel Legends.


Great figure. Its a Disney Store exclusive so he'll be a bit harder to get locally. Thanks for viewing!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Wreck-It Ralph 6" Wall Smashing Ralph

Spotted this at Toys R Us. It looked liked a cool figure and so I picked it up.

Out of the package, I immediately tried out his action feature. It was fun watching him turn his head and raise his arms up and down, especially when making him do it fast.   "Grrr! Angry man coming through!" The figure has a good likeness. The headsculpt is very well done. I haven't watched the movie yet but I think the angry expression is based on his in game appearance. He's got very large fists. All the better to smash things with. He is big and sturdy and stands well. 

He comes with a spring apart wall accessory.

The button to activate it is the center section. So what happens is you have Ralph smash it with his fists and the wall will break apart.

Here's a short clip of it.

The figure has surprisingly good articulation despite the gimmick. Hes got neck rotation to certain positions, peg hinge shoulders, hinge elbows, peg hinge hips and ankle swivel. 


Here's how he compares with some other figures.

Its a nice, fun figure. It costs SG$30 and I think its more worth it than some Marvel Legends or DC Universe figures. From what I've noticed, I think the 6" line is only available at Toys R Us. Do check it out if you're there. Thanks for viewing!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

McDonald's Young Justice Batman & Superman

Happy Holidays all! Its been awhile... have been busy. I got some free time upcoming and I hope to put up a couple more posts before the new year. Starting with the Young Justice Batman and Superman Happy Meal toys from McDonalds.  

I got these two hoping they could fit in with the 4" line from Mattel. Unfortunately they cannot. I like that the figures have some bulk to them. Superman has got a decent sculpt. He is the better figure of the two. Batman's look is affected by his large lip and oversized limbs. Theres some nice detail on his costume. The lines on his suit which are a feature of the Young Justice Batman are sculpted on.

Superman's gimmick is to raise his arms when you push the button on his back.

You can position his arms at certain levels and you can also move his head up and down.

For Batman, push the Bat logo and his cape will spring up. Hes now all set to swoop down on villains. Aside from the arms moving up and down, the only other articulation point is the neck which can be fully rotated.  

The figures are shorter than those from Mattel. I would have loved to add Superman to the collection. The Mattel one is pretty costly. Don't even get me started on Artemis. 

The Young Justice toys together with the Strawberry Shortcake ones are this month's Happy Meal offerings from McDonalds. Superman was last week's figure and Batman is currently available. We are only getting four of the Young Justice toys. In the US they had eight. Aqualad, Black Manta, Kid Flash and Captain Cold are the ones missing. 

Image taken from McDonalds Singapore site

Right, that's all for now. Thanks for viewing!

Monday, December 10, 2012

EOY 2012 Cosplay Festival

The EOY 2012 Cosplay Festival was held on 9th December 2012 at the Marina Barrage. I had some time that day and so decided to check it out. The free admission was a factor.  

This was my first visit to Marina Barrage. Here's a quick view of the place.


There's not much to look at but the place offers you a great view of the Marina Bay area and of the sea. Especially from the roof. Do bring a cap or an umbrella if you do visit.

Back to the event. Here's a quick overview of the various things you could see. In the courtyard were a couple of  Itasha. My favourite was the K-on! bike.

Fujiwara Yukino could be found hanging out at the cafe with her friends.

Here's the merchandise and stage areas.

There was quite a lot of merchandise available. You could pick up items like posters, badges and decals. There wasn't much toys though. The hottest items were refreshments.

Performances were held on stage throughout the day. I'm begining to be able to recognise more of the songs.

There were also various activities going on. Such as the EOY quest event where you had to "defeat" bugs and perform simple tasks.

The main attraction of course were the cosplayers. Props to them for being in costume and keeping a cool demeanour in the hot weather.

We could have really used some of the Ice King's powers.

I couldn't stay for the whole event. I missed out on the Cosplay Parade. But I saw enough to want to go again next year. 

All the images can be viewed here.

Thanks for viewing!