Tuesday, May 29, 2012

GIJoe Retaliation Cobra Commander

Here's a look at GI Joe Retaliation Cobra Commander.

This black costumed Cobra Commander was originally only available in the Amazon sneak peak set. Its now showing up single carded. I prefer this over the blue version. He's not as brightly coloured and I think its more realistic. While the uniform is not movie accurate, the helmet is. Its designed to look like a snakes head, with the eyes and fangs. If that's not fiercesome enough, there's a cobra head at the top of his helmet. The face plate is segmented. I think it gives him a more battle ready look. His attire looks like a generic Viper's to me. He's wearing a bullet proof vest underneath his pouch strap.  Hes got some nice detail. I especially love the Cobra logos on his knee pads. The paint is good overall, though would have liked if he was fully matte. The Cobra logo on his chest is nice and sharp.          

The pouch strap and belt piece can be removed. Here's how he looks without it. His uniform reminds me of the RAH Shockwave.

This figure looks way better than the one from the first movie. Glad they decided to give him a more classic look.

He comes with a machine gun, a pistol, a cobra staff comprising of the head piece and staff and a red projectile.

The pistol fits better in his right hand. You can squeeze the pistol in his left but then his fingers will be stretched due to the trigger. The holster is too big, the pistol sinks deep into it. And I would have preferred if it was on his right side. You can click on the images to enlarge.

I like the Cobra head piece. Its well sculpted with nice scaly detail. Unfortunately, its oversized. The staff is too heavy for him to hold. And with the projectile inserted, its almost impossible for him to stand. He'll need the ground for support. A base would of course make things easier but I wanted to see if it can stand on its own. To fire the projectile, just squeeze the hood portion.  


The staff can be used as a spear.

Articulation. He's got a ball joint head, ball hinge shoulders, swivel hinge elbows, wrist swivel, torso pivot, ball hips and single hinge knees. You can get some decent poses out of him. 

 Just having some fun mixing various lines.

 Introducing the "Coil Vipers".

This is a nice figure. He'll be a good stand in until a more movie accurate version comes along. Thanks for viewing!

Friday, May 25, 2012

GIJoe Retaliation GI Joe Trooper

If you haven't already heard, GIJoe Retaliation has been pushed back to March 2013. Not happy at all about that, was looking forward to it. On the other hand, we now get to enjoy the toys nearly a year before the movie is released. Here's a look at the GI Joe Trooper. 

This is my first GIJoe Trooper or Greenshirt of any series, and he looks to be a good addition. Not sure if the headsculpt is based on anyone. He kind of reminds me of Robert Patrick. The head is removeable and you can use other GIJoe heads for some variety in your ranks. I'm thinking of getting Duke from the same line for that purpose, when he goes on clearance that is.  The figure has some great detail. There are straps, buckles and padding on the the harness and many pockets, folds and creases on his uniform. The harness is removeable but it is very troublesome to do so.

He comes with a lot more accessories than the other figures in the line. There are 3 big guns, 4 pistols, 2 knives with sheaths, a backpack, a spade, a gas mask, an extra interchangeable helmeted head and a cape. You'll notice that the gas mask and cape are khaki in colour rather than blue as shown on the package. I believe this is a running change. I prefer them like this. They blend in better with his uniform and he won't be as easy to spot. 

With the helmeted head, he kind of looks like the Halo guy. The gas mask fits on the unmasked head. Looking at it again, I think black would have been a better colour for it.

He is able to carry all of his accessories. The knives can be attached to the harness, there are holsters for the pistols on his backpack and you can have him carry 2 guns on his backpack by putting the handles in the "cups". However with all the gear on he'll tend to fall backwards.   

He's got great articulation. He's got a ball joint neck, ball hinge shoulders, swivel hinge elbows, wrist swivel and hinge, torso pivot, ball hips, double jointed knees and ankle pivot and hinge.

A shot with figures from other GIJoe lines.

He'll fit in well with 3.75" Marvel figures.

This is a great figure. With troop builders, I usually just get two at most. But with this one, I'm tempted to get more. We'll see... Thanks for viewing!      

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

GIJoe Retaliation Red Ninja

Yo Joe! GIJoe Retaliation figures have hit Toys R Us. Would have liked to have picked up certain characters but due to the lack of and odd coloured accessories, I decided to pass on them. Here's one which I got,  Cobra's Red Ninja.  

The front of the packaging is rather dull. I feel Roadblock and Snake Eyes shouldn't be featured on the front of every card. They are distracting from the actual figure in the package.

This is a great figure. Its similar to the Renegades Storm Shadow (ReSS) and has got great articulation. I don't like the sash. I think it spoils the look, and its a little too big for my liking. It is removeable. But if its removed, he wouldn't have a belt. Unless you happen to have an extra ReSS for him to borrow one from. He's got good paint. I would prefer his protective gear to be in red as well though.

The sculpt differences between the Red Ninja and ReSS are that the Red Ninja has plated vambraces, knee pads and greaves, and has straps across his tabi shoes.

There's another difference and that is that the Red Ninja has ankle pivot!

For accessories, he comes with two swords, a zip line launcher and 7 feet of string with claw and clips attachments. Disappointed with the lack of normal sized accessories. Would have liked to have gotten at least the sheaths for the swords. I guess we were spoilt with the Renegades Storm Shadow. Fortunately this is a good figure or I'll be regretting purchasing it.

The launcher fits tightly on his arm.

The setup for the line takes some doing. There's an instructions sheet included which shows some ways of how you can set it up. Once done,  the Red Ninja can zip down very quicky and carry out his missions.

The claw of the zip line can be used as a weapon.

Articulation. He's got a ball joint neck, ball and hinge shoulders, swivel and hinge elbows, swivel and hinge wrists, ball joint torso, ball hips, double joined knees and ankle hinge and pivot. The right wrist hinge functions laterally while the hinge on his left wrist function vertically

Here's how he compares with a couple of the previous GIJoe movie figures.

I know some of us are planning to use this figure as a Hand Ninja.

Despite the lack of accessories, the Red Ninja is one to look out for. Thanks for viewing!