Monday, August 1, 2011

Singapore Toy Games & Comic Convention 2011 (update and some thoughts)

STGCC 2011
20 - 21 August 2011
SUNTEC Singapore 

Just three weeks to go till STGCC 2011. The guests list and event schedule are out. There may still be changes. But from whats revealed, I'm not as enthusiastic about this years' event than I was the past three editions.  

The list of guests can be seen here.

A reduced lineup. And some of them are returning from last years' event. Not that I mind, but would prefer to see more new faces. Comic fans should be pretty happy. I'll probably visit the comic book guests too. Though I'm not familiar with some of their work as I don't follow the comics anymore. Except for reading about major events on wiki if thats counted. I'll see what related toys I can bring for their autographs. 

Program Schedule

From last years' event, I enjoyed the Marvel panel the most. And I'll be going for it again this year as well. But I have to question the choice of location this year. The main stage ? This should be held in a function room or the theater. Holding this on stage in the event hall (I assume its in the event hall)... not sure how to put it... lacks class, if you get what I'm trying to say. 

The list of exclusives may be viewed here.

Nothing for me that I'll queue hours to get. Will probably just pick up the Captain America #1 comic variant if its available.

Exhibitors & Artist Alley

Will visit the Marvel booth for sure. Its been mentioned that there will be a DC booth as well, so I'll check that out too. I don't expect much in terms of toys. Just hope to find good bargains and new items or SDCC exclusives that sellers might bring in. 

Ticketing and queue info

Ticket prices as follows :
1 Day ticket - $10
2 Day ticket - $18
Evening ticket (5pm to 8pm) - $5
VIP ticket - SOLD OUT

Tickets are also sold at various locations during the weekends. Check their facebook page for the latest updates of where they'll be.

There are other areas which I didn't touch on, such as the Artist Alley and Cosplay events. Do check out for all the details.

Just some thoughts on the "Toy" section of the con. Having looked at the list of exhibitors and sellers, I kind of know what to expect. I'm not concerned with the items they have to offer, but with the displays. I would like to see big, proper toy displays with giant-sized character cut outs. I feel that was lacking from the con last year. If this is to be "the" con, it needs to be big. That's why, I would love for Hasbro, Mattel, Bandai etc to be present. They could put up great displays and showcase their product. And sell stuff too of course! The setup in 2008 and 2009 was better. You can check out some of the pics from the links at the bottom of this post.

Off the top my head, what could be done this year. Hasbro could showcase and sell new waves of their products. Marvel, Star Wars and Transformers product are obvious choices, but I also would love to see lines that are not in stores like GIJoe. Mattel could launch the Young Justice line and Cartoon Network could screen the first two episodes at the event. And a showcase of WWE figures I imagine would be a draw. Similarly for Bandai, they could launch the new and classic Thundercats line with the premiere of the cartoon at the event. And not forgetting Ben 10, Gundam and Figuarts etc.      

An alternative for the displays is to tap collectors. Don't look at me though. These are my preciousssss !

Sorry, I got a little carried away there. All these things can still happen, though unlikely. There is more to the con then just toys and I hope to enjoy whats on offer and take lots of pics.

See you there !

You can check out some pics of the previous years editions.


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