Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thor movie Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg

The movie was great ! Thoroughly enjoyed it. The Warriors Three had a decent amount of screen time. And now for the figures to get some exposure.  

Like the Iron Man line, the Thor figures are numbered too. Fandral is 8, Hogun is 9 and Volstagg is 10.  

My favourite is Fandral. He reminds me of Cary Elwes in the Princess Bride. He looks like he's taunting his enemy, and at the same time displaying charm and confidence. I like this costume, think it suits him well. The "breast plate" is only attached to the top half of his torso, so the torso articulation is not affected as much as I thought it would be. He's got a half-basket hilt sword which he can carry in his sheath but I don't recommend it as the blade will get bent.  

Hogun has a good likeness to his appearance in the movie. Good head sculpt. He may look fresh faced in the pics but he is serious looking. The pattern on his clothes and silver outline on his armour are well done. In fact, all three have good paint jobs, better than the figures in wave 1 in my opinion. His cape makes him fall backwards, have to bend him forward most of the time. He can do the most poses of the three. He's got his mace for an accessory.  

Volstagg is a decent figure. Like the hair and beard. His head could be used for a custom LOTR Gimli or Hagrid from Harry Potter. Taking the warped legs into account, he is still slightly shorter than Fandral and Hogun. Again, good paint on his armour and clothes. His "leather skirt" restricts his leg articulation. He's got an axe for an accessory.    

Articulation is great but their costumes can limit the range of movement. The most annoying one is Fandral's sword sheath. For some reason, its attached to his waist and thigh, rendering his left leg immobile. A simple cut should fix the problem.

They all come with gimmicky weapons. Fandral's Launching Harpoon and Volstagg's Spinning Ram Axe are bound for the accessory bin. Hogun's axe is a nice weapon I wouldn't mind displaying him with. The blades can be detached so he can use them as fist blades.

Their capes can be removed for those casual fighting days. 

These figures are good additions to the Marvel movie universe.

Can't wait for Sif to be available to complete this group.


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