Saturday, March 26, 2011

K-On! Figma Yui Hirasawa

I don't think I ever followed an anime series before. It's always been superhero related and other cartoons. But I found myself hooked on K-On!. I only chanced upon it while channel surfing. Season 1 episode 9 was my first episode, Azusa had just joined the club. I've been enjoying the series on Animax ever since and am just a couple of episodes from the end of the series at the time of typing. I love the show and just had to get the figures of the characters. 

I decided to do a K-on! special showcase and it starts right here. Over the next few posts you'll see the Figma figures made by Max Factory. I hope to bring out each character through them. This may be old to you but do drop in and have a look. Maybe bring up some fun memories. First up, Yui Hirasawa. Let's go !

Yui is the lead guitarist and vocalist of the band. She's my favourite character. She's so bubbly and a delight to watch. Be it doing childish things or making out of the blue comments. And I love both her Japnese and English voices.

The figure looks great and has a very good likeness. Its got some nice detail too like the folds in her uniform. Shes got more hair sculpted on her right on this hair piece. Its like she's always on the move. Her hair is pretty bouncy on the show so I think its a nice touch.     
The flooring you see in the pics is part of the packaging inserts. You can use it to create scenes in the their classroom or club room. There's lots of fun to be had with the accessories. Interchangeable faces, hands and also shoes. A blank face is included where you can put on various facial expressions. I didn't want to ruin my sticker sheet so I didn't try them out. 

You need to cut out and use water to apply the expressions on the blank face.

She of course comes with her guitar which she names Gita. She treats it like its an actual person. Gita has some nice detail too.

I almost broke the guitar case trying to open it fully. I learnt later that you could slide the guitar into the case.

Articulation is great. That plus all the interchangeable items, give lots of posing possibilities. Hmmm, what should I do ?

And her uniform is flexible so you can do more poses like sitting, though not very well.

Yui loves anything yummy.

Though Yui is carefree most of the time, she can take things seriously when she wants to. Such as practicing being a tree in a play.

Did I mention she likes sweets and snacks ?

All the figures come with a base so you can do more dynamic poses. I won't be using it much, prefer not to see the base in my pics. 

All the pics can be viewed here.
That's it for Yui. Check my blog again soon for Mio !


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