Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Batman EXP Blaster Batgirl

I wanted this Blaster Batgirl from the Batman EXP line back when it was released. Due to budget reasons, I had to make some cuts and she was one of them. Almost forgot about her till a seller I was buying from had one for a good price.   
The main reason for getting this is for Barbara Gordon as she appeared in the cartoon. Okay the costume is the wrong colour but her head is a pretty good likeness.  

Her Bat costume comprises  of two pieces, the cape and the mask / chest piece. It looks big on her. The design is not bad, I like the samurai style thingy at the sides. 

She comes with a disc firing accessory. You need the key to activate it. It's too big and heavy for her to hold with her soft arms. She also has a base which is not really needed.

A shot with the original. 

Up against some villains. These few are my favourites. Oh, and Bane too.

With the purchase of Blaster Batgirl, I think I can close the shelf on this collection.


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