Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Batman EXP Blaster Batgirl

I wanted this Blaster Batgirl from the Batman EXP line back when it was released. Due to budget reasons, I had to make some cuts and she was one of them. Almost forgot about her till a seller I was buying from had one for a good price.   
The main reason for getting this is for Barbara Gordon as she appeared in the cartoon. Okay the costume is the wrong colour but her head is a pretty good likeness.  

Her Bat costume comprises  of two pieces, the cape and the mask / chest piece. It looks big on her. The design is not bad, I like the samurai style thingy at the sides. 

She comes with a disc firing accessory. You need the key to activate it. It's too big and heavy for her to hold with her soft arms. She also has a base which is not really needed.

A shot with the original. 

Up against some villains. These few are my favourites. Oh, and Bane too.

With the purchase of Blaster Batgirl, I think I can close the shelf on this collection.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Iron Man Armored Avenger 3.75" Hammer Drone

More Iron Man stuff. This time its the  3.75" Hammer Drone from the new Iron Man line. Or I should say extension of the IM2 line. With IM2 figures still clogging the pegs and Thor on the way, I decided to ship this in. 

The number for this figure is 44. Useful to know if you're looking for him on the pegs.  

I'm not sure if this drone appeared in the IM2 movie. I thought it was the suit worn by Whiplash at the end but I've been told that its not. Said to be very similar though.   

The Hammer Drone is the same figure as the Weapon Assault Drone, aside from the head. Speaking of which, it looks a bit like Ultimate Iron Man's head.      

If you own any of the IM2 drones, you'll know that the design restricts articulation. The following is where I'm most irritated over. It cannot raise its legs.  

The Hammer Drone comes with chains and whips which you can interchange.

The drone line-up. Hammer Drone is the shiniest of the lot. Almost the whole figure is painted with metallic paint. 

Tried out Whiplash's head on it. His hair prevents it from fitting properly. I would trim the hair but I didn't want to spoil my only piece. 

Yay for another drone. Boo to the various Iron Man of this wave. Though I will consider the new Mark V and light up War Machine if they reach retail. Hope to see Black Widow and Stark, Rhodes head figures one day.  

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Iron Man Legends Titanium Man

Surprised to see this at local retail. Shocked at the price, which is around US$35. That's almost double the price of the 6" IM movie figures from the year before. I still purchased it in the end. A store discount helped make the decision. But I was not as happy than I normally would be buying a sought after figure from retail.

Titanium Man is part of the Iron Man Legends series. One of four figures in this wave, the other three being Iron Man Mark VI, Warmachine and Hulkbuster Iron Man.

I like the packaging. It is bright and attractive. There's an Avengers Assemble logo on it. I hope it means there's a Thor and Captain America Legends series in the works and not just for promotional purposes.

Titanium Man is a nice figure. Would prefer if he was a bit taller and bulkier though. Check out the pics for yourself. 

The articulation is one of the best I've seen on a Hasbro Marvel figure.

The shoulder pads can be adjusted a little. In the pic below, his right side is at its highest point while his left side is at its lowest. While it allows for slightly better arm movement, he's not going to be doing jumping jacks. 

He's got double jointed elbows but the bands on his arms restrict their usefulness.

His wrists can be rotated and have side to side articulation. 

Titanium Man comes with a double missile launcher. The attachment is too big and it can barely stay on his forearm. You can try to attach it to the band but you risk breaking it.  

A comparison shot. These were a few I had handy. Just noticed his head was tilted downwards. He's around the same height as Mark VI and Silver Centurion, and taller than Face-off. 

Some shots with Iron Man.

I'm okay with the light green colour. It actually looks pretty good. However, would have prefered if they stuck with dark green, then it would match the 3.75" version. Come to think of it, it may be time to dig out the 90s Toybiz version.

Titanium Man is a good figure to get. I hope you find him for lower than what I paid.   

Till next time.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

WWE Defining Moments "Macho Man" Randy Savage

Ooooohhh Yeaaaaaah ! It's the Macho Man Randy Savage. I watched quite a number of his matches back when he was in the WWF. Enjoyed his commentary as well. Love the voice. Watching his comic con promo video brought back lots of memories. Happy to finally get a hold of this figure.  

Love the accessories, especially the jacket. Just realised I did not include a little silver string thingy.

Without his shades, the holes at the sides of his head can be distracting.

This one is over !