Friday, January 21, 2011

Justice League Unlimited Manhunter Robot Review

The Manhunter Robots are part of a 3-pack. There are two of them in each pack. The third figure is Green Lantern John Stewart, a figure most collectors would have seen many times before.

The first thing you will notice is the size of these robots. They stand a head above the regular sized JLU figure and have much broader bodies. Their arms and legs are thick for the most part, and the boots are wide enough to support their large frames. There should be no issues with this figure falling over. They have the same five points of articulation like most other JLU figures.  

They have a blank, mindless facial expression. I see Sam the Eagle of the Muppets in them. Possibly due to the eyebrows and skin tone. Paint is sloppy around the face but generally okay for the rest of body. Metalllic paint on the gloves, thighs and boots give the feel of them being robots.

The Manhunter Robots each comes with a control rod accessory, a rairty in a JLU 3-pack. The rods fit well in their hands.

Collectors will be happy with the Manhunter Robot. A solid figure overall. Their size and accessories offer a bit more value for our money, and we get two of them in a pack. 

This 3-pack was released late 2010 in the US. Local collectors, your best bet is ebay.

Till next time.



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