Friday, November 30, 2012

The Hobbit 3.75" Bilbo Baggins & Thorin Oakenshield

Here are more The Hobbit 3.75" figures. In this post are Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield.

Click on the images to enlarge.

First up is Bilbo. He looks to be a decent figure. There's not much likeness in the headsculpt. He looks a little youngish and lacks some facial lines compared to online images of the character and from the movie trailer. His vest and accessories make him seem larger, and the overall look reminds me more of Samwise Gamgee. He looks a little better once his accessories are removed. There's nice detail on his clothes such as the wrinkles and buttons. And hes got painted on hair on his feet.

Bilbo's accessories include a bag, water canteens and his sword "Sting". His vest can be removed. Underneath there are two big holes in his chest so its better to leave his vest on. His scarf can also be removed.  

Articulation. Hes got a ball joint neck, ball hinge shoulders, swivel hinge elbows, waist rotation, swivel hinge hips and swivel hinge knees. He's one of the better articulated figures as hes not restricted too much by clothing.

Next up is Thorin Oakenshield. I have not read the books. I'm guessing he got his name partly because of the wooden arm guard. The head looks a little big. The likeness is decent. I think he could do with a fiercer expression, he looks rather friendly. Hes got spaghetti in his hair. The white streaks are too contrasting. It may have been better to leave his hair a single colour. This figure has got great detail. The pattern on his armour is sculpted and theres a wash applied to make it look worn. Theres also sculpted detail on his gauntlets and boots. And his tunic is textured. Good stuff. 

His accessories include a wooden arm guard, a long sword with scabbard and a short sword. The arm guard doesn't stay on well and drops off whenever you move the figure. The swords have nice detail on them. The short sword fits snugly in its sheath.

Hes got the same articulation as Bilbo. Theres a ball joint neck, ball hinge shoulders, swivel hinge elbows, waist rotation, swivel hinge hips and swivel hinge knees. The knees can only bend at most 45 degrees due to his large calves. There are slits in his tunic so you can get some decent articulation from his legs. 

The figures of the different races have different heights.

 Here's a comparison with some other 3.75" lines.

Nice figures. Hopefully they make it to retail. Don't forget The Hobbit opens here on 13th December 2012. Thanks for viewing!

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Hobbit 3.75" Gandalf the Grey

Bridge Direct brings to us figures based on The Hobbit movie. There are two scales available. Theres a 3.75" line and a 6" line. Here's a look at the 3.75" Gandalf the Grey figure.

The packaging is attractive and it gives off a fantasy vibe.

This is a neat figure. There's good detail, especially on his robes. Its textured and well painted to look old and worn. Hes got a bit of the Popeye arms. The elbow joint is rather large.  Its noticeable from the front when his arms are straight but it looks fine when his elbows are bent. 

His accessories include his hat, scarf, staff, sword and scabbard. His hat looks out of place compared to the rest of his attire as it lacks detail. It looks like it was made from a chunk of clay. His long hanging sleeves affect the way he uses his weapons.

Here's how he looks without his accessories. The scarf and the scabbard can be removed. Without his hat we can now have a better look at the headsculpt. I think hes got a good likeness. His hair and beard are well sculpted. The expression on his face is one of annoyance.  

Articulation. He's got a ball joint neck, ball hinge shoulders, swivel hinge elbows, wrist swivel, waist rotation and swivel hinge knees. There looks to be hip joints but I couldn't get much movement from them. Even if there were hip joints articulation would be severely restricted by his rather stiff robe. His neck articulation is hindered by his hair and beard. 

The old and the new. I miss Toy Biz.

Comparison pics. He'll fit in well with most other 3.75" lines.

Some head swap fun. Christmas is coming. Maybe his head could be used for a Santa Claus figure.

A speciality shop has the line in stock. Don't know if local retail will carry it. I think there's a good chance given the popularity of the Lord of the Rings triology. We'll have to wait and see. Thanks for viewing!  

Movie Mash-up Fellowship

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sci-Fi Revoltech 020 Skeleton Army

I was doing some packing and decided to pull this out for some photos. Its a really great figure. It was released about two years ago. I had planned on getting maybe three of them but the local speciality shops had very limited stock of it. I got this one from overseas.

This is the second version of the figure. Its basically the same as the first version except for different designs on the shields, as illustrated on the strip across the packaging.

Here's all the contents. There's a lot of accessories. They include two extra pairs of hands, an extra arm to hold the shield with, two swords, two shields, a spear and a display diorama.

The Skeleton is based on its appearance in the Jason and the Argonauts movie. I vaguely rememember watching it. The figure is very well sculpted, well articulated and has got great detail on it. It's got some nice shading which makes it look old and worn, though it seems clean and polished in the images. There are cracks on the body, most notably on the skull, to give it a more aged and battle damaged look. My figure has a very loose joint at the base of its spine and it keeps falling over. Aside from that, I'm very happy with it. 

Here's a closer look at the display diorama. It comes in two parts. The stone piece and the partial skeleton. Again theres great detail. The stone pieces look weathered and worn, and the cracked edges have a rough surface. The dirt looks very real thanks to some great sculpting and paint. The skeleton holding the sword has articulation in the neck, jaw and shoulder for more display possibilities. Here's another cool thing. You can store some of the extra accessories behind the stone pillar. 

The figure has great articulation. There are Revoltech joints at most of the main articulation points. Don't try the following pose at home! 

Here's how it compares with some other figures. Its too small to use with 6" scale figures. It works best with other Revoltech, figma or other 5" scale figures. 

I sent it to Themyscira and Asgard to test its abilities.

There's not much it can do on its own I'm afraid. It'll be a laboratory prop for now.

The Revoltech Skeleton is a great, fun figure. I recommend picking it up if you come across it. Thanks for viewing!