Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Marvel Select The Watcher

The Watcher was one of the few remaining already released Marvel figures that I wanted. Got him at a good price, but you get what you pay for. The figure's head is broken, it has wear and is discoloured. He still looks good enough to display though. And I actually quite like the "bobble head" feature he now has.   

His head is broken at the bottom where its attached to the neck. There's a big hole there and I don't have the broken off pieces  So his head is simply resting on his shoulders, propped up with some blu-tac. Due to this, it appears like he's got no neck. I think I'm just going to leave it as it is. 

The Watcher has a great sculpt. He looks like he stepped out from the comics. There's nice detail on him, like the many folds in his attire, sash and cape, and the wrinkles on his gloves. I like the black area on his giant collar. That area is normally blacked out in the comics. Great that they did that and not leave it fully blue. A minor gripe is that there are more folds in the upper half of his attire compared to the lower half. It doesn't appear like its the same piece of cloth. Also would have liked for some extra sash attachment so he can hang it over his arm.

He comes with a moon surface like base. Despite that, he tends to fall over easily. I just stuck blu-tac under his feet to make him more stable.          

Articulation. His head can be rotated. There's ball and hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, single hinge elbows, swivel at the top of his gloves and hinge wrists. And also waist rotation. There's no articulation in his legs.

The Watcher's height varies, so he can fit in with Marvel Legends. Don't like him looking that small though.

This might have been the cause of his broken head.

I like the Watcher to look bigger sized, so I'll most likely put him with the Marvel Universe figures.

Strike another one off the want list.   

Friday, December 23, 2011

Marvel Universe Greatest Battles Daredevil & Bullseye Comic 2-pack

Daredevil and Bullseye were part of the very first series of Marvel Universe figures. They've been released again in this 2-pack with major improvements.  

Daredevil is a great figure. Like that he's on the newer Commander Rogers type body. Its nice and proportianate and it suits him. The head sculpt is great. Especially like the scowl on his face, and also how his eyes stand out. Like the tone of red used and also the black wash, it helps highlight the muscles more and makes him look less "plasticky". One thing I don't like is that the pouch is conneceted to his belt. It hinders leg articulation. There's already stress marks on the connecting strap due to my trying to pose the figure. Am unfortunate that my figure has a badly warped left knee, hope you have better luck with your figure.   

He comes with his billy clubs. He can hold them well. The billy clubs I got were already warped, its not due to his grip. They can be attached together to form a longer weapon. When separated, the clubs can be stored in the pouch. Its a very tight fit though.   

Hes got very good articulation. Hes got a ball hinge neck. He can look up and down really well. Shoulders are ball and hinge, biceps swivel, elbows have single hinge and wrists have swivel. There's torso pivot and waist rotation. Hips are ball jointed. Theres thigh swivel, double jointed knees, shin swivel and ankles have pivot and hinge. 

Shadowland Daredevil was released later than this comic pack. That figure still uses one of the older moulds. Its clear to see which is the better figure.

Bullseye is also a good figure, just not as good as Daredevil in my opinion. He's got a similar body. Don't like the head sculpt. He looks too friendly. His michievious grin is more suited for a prankster than an assassin like him. Would have preferred if he were more sinister looking. Nice that the bullseye on his forehead is sculpted. Not sure if he wore a costume with that many rings though. His holster in connected to his belt and again it hinders leg articulation. Paint is pretty good, just that there's too much blue on some of the white areas. Just noticed he's got a revervsed right shin, I'll have to fix it later.       

Bullseye comes with a throwing knife and a handgun. Both are made of soft plastic and are rather flimsy. It can be quite troublesome to get him to hold the gun properly. And the knife is too small for him to hold. The gun can be kept in the holster on his leg and the knife in the sheath on his back.  

Like that the knife can be kept on his back. Sneaky.

Articulation is the same as Daredevil's. Ball hinge neck, ball and hinge shoulders, bicep swivel, single hinge elbows, wrists swivel, torso pivot, waist rotation, ball hips, thigh swivel, double jointed knees, shin swivel and pivot and hinge ankles.

With this figure, its more believable he posed as Hawkeye.

The first release of these two are poor in comparison with the comic pack versions.

Some more comparison and group shots.

This is a great 2-pack! I don't usually like getting repeat characters but this time its worth it. Now I hope we get a new 3.75" Elektra. The Toybiz Showdown one doesn't cut it.  

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Spider-man line 3.75" Shocker

Hey toy fans! It's your friendly neighbourhood Spider-man! Bet you didn't expect to see me again after what happened last time.* I thought I was a goner, but then a giant hand came out of nowhere and carried me to safety. Its been months since that incident, I didn't hear from that toy guy again until recently. He said he had a special assignment for me. I wasn't too keen at first. But after hearing him out, I took the job.

(*See the post on the Lizard - Jason.)

So here we are back at the location where toys seem to pass through. I was informed of my assignment before hand this time. It's the Shocker. According to the file I was provided, he's from Canada. Funny, I always thought he was from New York. The packaging is similar to the Lizard's. Let's see "Att...aque Au Missile".... "Lanza...dores que se enga...chan".... I think its obvious languages is not one of my strong suits.

The packaging suddenly disappeared. It didn't surprise me this time. I swung around him taking several shots with my camera. Ol Shocker looks in good shape I must say. From his eyes, he appears possessed. Maybe its just my imagination. There's nice detail on the yellow areas of his costume. The lines always seemed drawn on when I faced him. And he must have just got it back from the cleaners. His leather like vest, gloves and pants are looking shiny and spotless.          


I remember figures needed some time before they awakened. I decided to drop in for a closer look. Hmmm, if my costume had this much padding, I would have less bruises. But would I be able to move freely. Let's see.  I managed to lift his arm and stretch it, bend and rotate his elbows. (ball/hinge shoulders, swivel/hinge elbows). Nope, not enough flexibility for me. Huh? His suit is starting to vibrate.   

Uh-oh! He turned his head! He's awake already?!?

I took him down before he gained full mobility.

Spider-sense tingling! But what?!?

Arrghh! I suddenly found myself wrapped up. Scorpion! He shouted something about not geting a post. I wasn't listening. I was wondering why I didn't move.

I struggled against my restraints. Shocker went to get his shock blasters. Hang on, when did those appear? And what are those missiles supposed to be, christmas decorations?

Better think of something quick Spidey, or you're done for.

Then, a funny thing happened. As Shocker was about to blast me, he fell. I seem to remember something similar occuring to someone I knew.*

(See the post on Web Strike Spider-man - Jason.)

I felt Scorpion relax his grip. I pushed backwards and grabbed him...

... and flung him over my shoulder, sending him crashing into the Shocker.

They recovered quickly and fired at me. I went for cover.

(Swivel hinge hips and knees)


It seems security was provided for me. Some old friends showed up as I was battling Scorpion. 

We made quick work of  Shocker. We then dropped him and Scorpion off at the minimum security prison known as The Shelf.

Man, these assignments can be dangerous. Luckily everything turned out alright, for me anyway. That's all for now.