Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thundercats 3.75" Modern Lion-O

I recently posted about the Classic Lion-O. Now for a look at the 3.75" modern version.

This is a nice looking figure. Good sculpt and good proportions. Good likeness too. Like the eyes which are sharp. Paint wise is pretty good overall. Just need to watch the belt and "skirt" area where the paint is easily scratched. One issue I have is the joints and pins are of a different colour from where they are located. They stand out and it spoils the look of the figure.     

The square shaped area on his back is where a magnet is. It's a feature which will work with some vehicles and playsets. If the magnet was stronger, I would use a metal bar and stick these figures on it to display.

His accessories include the claw glove, the dagger and sword versions of the Sword of Omens. There's a slot in the glove where the dagger can be placed.

The claw glove is a little too big for my liking and also pretty plain looking.  The glove cannot be carried on his waist and it restricts elbow articulation when worn. There's a hole at the top end so the black gem of doom (aka the elbow pin) can be seen. Its actually for the Eye of Thundera to be shown when the dagger is in the glove.  

The dagger and long sword are made of soft rubbery plastic. They get bent easily. I did my best to straighten them out.

He's got decent articulation. The head rotatates, but its hindered by the shoulder pad. Shoulders have ball and hinge. The shoulder pad restricts him from raising his right arm. Elbows are single jointed and there's swivel at the forearm. The waist can be fully rotated. Hips have ball and hinge and there's high thigh swivel. The "skirt" is flexible so he can do some good poses. Knees are single jointed and ankles have hinge joints.


The weapons are quite loose in his right hand. There's better grip with his left.

 I prefer the original look. The modern version is not too bad I must say.

I'm happy he can fit in with other lines such as Marvel Universe and GIJoe. 

Lion-O is a good figure. Of the first wave of basic figures, I think he's the best. I feel the others are too chunky, segmented or static.       

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thundercats Classic Lion-O

Thunder ! Thunder ! Thundercats ! Hooooo !

Seeing the Thundercats lettering on the package brings back memories.

This figure looks like he came straight out of the cartoon. Great sculpt, the likenss is spot on. There's not a lot of detail, but that's how he's supposed to be. I like the clean look. The paint overall is good. The eyes and eyebrows are really sharp. The paint on the belt and hands seems to come off easily. The hands especially since we'll handle them more. For some reason, the ankle joints are orange and not blue. It spoils the look. Another gripe is the thigh muscles. The top portion of the muscle overlaps the hip joint. When you rotate the thigh, the muscle follows it. It's just wierd.    

He comes with extra hands, the claw glove, the dagger and sword versions of the Sword of Omens. I like that the claw connects to the wrist directly rather than over his hand, think it looks better. The long sword is made of soft rubbery plastic, it'll warp easily. 

The dagger can be placed in the claw and he can carry the whole thing on his waist with the little blue attachment piece.

He's got good articulation. The head rotates. The neck can be moved forwards and backwards but it does not stay in position, otherwise he can look up and down better. Shoulers have ball and hinge joints. There's bicep swivel, single hinge elbows and wrists have hinge and swivel. The upper torso can be moved forwards and backwards a little. The waist has a ball joint. Waist rotation though is hindered by the belt.

Hips have ball and hinge. There's thigh swivel and double jointed knees. There's swivel at the top of his boots. And ankles have hinge and side to side action.  

"Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight."
One more dagger with a curved up hilt would be great.

 He looks much better than the original.

Lion-O is supposed to be 8" scale. He's got lengthy hair, but even after factoring that out, he's still around half a head taller than Marvel Select Thor.

I got this figure before news surfaced of a possible 6" scale classic Lion-O. Would have preferred that. Hopefully it'll be just as good, if not better than this figure.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gunpla Expo Singapore 2011

Gunpla Expo Singapore 2011
Compass Point
15 - 27 November
1030am - 930pm

Dropped by the first evening of the event to have a look. It was pretty crowded. 

On display were upcoming products...

... as well as various older and current models.

I took a number of pics, the link to the gallery is at the bottom of this post.

There was a section where they showed the materials and moulds used to make a Gunpla.

And also a section showcasing Bearguy customs. The following two are my favourite.

The most popular displays were those of the submissions for the Gunpla contest. Many great looking pieces there. 

Here's just one of them.

This event is currently still ongoing. Check it out for yourself.

And here's the link to the gallery:

Password is: cstges11
Gunpla Expo Singapore 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Anime Festival Asia 2011

Attended Anime Festival Asia (AFA) for the first time. It certainly was an experience.

I went on the first day and spent the morning there. I got there before the event started and the entrance was already jam packed with people. Just before the doors opened, there was a lively countdown. And then came the rush to go in. The organisers only opened one side of the entrance and you can imagine what a squeeze it was.  

I had no particular objective other than to take in the event. I took my time and went round the festival area, taking lots of pics. I'll just be highlighting a few things here. Starting off with some displays. I particularly liked the One Piece and Bandai ones.

Some of the items for sale.

Statues and PVC figures.

figmas and Nendoroids.



And lots of things like media, cushions and stationery.

The Aniplex booth had original animation drawings on display.

Came across Danny Choo's booth. I have heard of him. The girl featured is Mirai Suenaga, the site mascot for Culture Japan.

You could have refreshments in the maid cafe or the butler cafe.

Over in the artists alley, you could get posters, badges, comics and other stuff.

There were card game competitions and demonstrations.

You could catch anime movie screenings as well. Additional ticket charges apply.

That about covers the festival area. There was a stage area in a separate hall which I didn't go. Several forums and concerts were held there.

Around the venue, there were many cosplayers. Due to the crowd, it was not easy to take good photos. Here's Ichigo from BLEACH, I only recently posted about a figure of him.

This is the end of the post, but don't go just yet! The above is only a sample of what was there to see. I have many more pics! You can zoom in to see the bigger sized pic. Follow the link below:

Password is: cstafa11
Anime Festival Asia 2011