Friday, October 28, 2011

Real Steel Deluxe Figure 6" ATOM

Recently caught the movie. Loved it! Went to check out the toys. Decided on the 6" version. Was thinking for five dollars more, it would be more worth it as I would get a bigger toy. The line must be pretty popular as it took some time before I found this piece.    

Atom is a really nice looking figure. He's well sculpted and has great detail. His whole body is covered with knocks and dents. There are not many flat surfaces on him. This figure would probably still look just as good even after rough play. Good paint too. His whole body has a tarnished and worn appearance and looks to have some dirt and grime on him.  

Note the two circular parts on his backside. I'll be mentioning them again in a bit.

Like the Atom wording on his chest. 

Articulation is rather disappointing. The head can be turned at most forty-five degrees each side. The arms once raised will drop back to his sides due to the action feature. You can get them to stay in certain positions. There's actually hinge joints on his shoulders. You can move his arms sidewards a bit. The action feature and shoulder design prevents the use of those joints. Elbows are single jointed and wrists have swivel. The waist can be turned to a point each side, but due to a spring feature, it'll turn back to the front. 

The worst part are the hips. He cannot do a running pose despite the ball and hinge joints. You can rotate the hinge to the front but the circular parts I mentioned earlier prevents it from being used. The knees have single hinge joints and the ankles can rotate.  

His action feature is a double uppercut. Push the button on his back to activate it.

I think the following line-up of characters would make for a more action packed movie. Lol. Back on topic, though Atom is supposed to be 6" scale, he is closer to 8". As you can see in the height difference between him and Iron-Man.

Looking online, I think the 3.75" version offers more poseability. Maybe I should have gotten that instead. Anyway, if you're planning on just getting one for display, this is a great figure to get. And if you haven't watched the movie, do try and catch it!   

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Marvel Universe Astonishing Wolverine

Its been awhile since my last Wolverine figure purchase. Well... not counting those that came in multi-packs that is. This costume is my second favourite after the tiger striped version.

This is a nice looking figure. Good proportions. Like the head sculpt, especially his snarling expression. One thing I don't like is he's stuck looking downwards. I like the lighter shade of yellow he has. There's some comparison pics a little further down. I really like the two tone skin colour which helps highlight his muscles and veins more. Usually its just a single colour. He only comes with a base.    


Articulation. The head rotates. Shoulders have ball and hinge joints. Elbows swivel and have single hinge joints. Swivel on the forearms. Torso pivot. Hips have ball and hinge. High upper thigh swivel. Double jointed knees. And swivel and hinge ankles.   

Except for the head sculpt, he's the same figure as the one that came in the Wolverine Origin's two-pack. There's a nice little paint application change on the hip joints. On this figure, the blue is painted on the side of the ball instead of on the hinge. So even in a running pose, the blue on the sides of his costume is continuous.  

Did a head swap. The skin tones don't match, otherwise he looks pretty good.  

Together with some other Wolverine figures. He's taller than tiger stripe and shorter than the early release X-force and Sercret Wars Wolverine. 

Astonishing Wolverine team-up.

A nice figure to get. With Beast being released next year, the Astonishing X-men is starting to take shape. In the mean time, here's a group shot with some stand ins.    

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Captain America Movie Series 6" Nick Fury

My latest addition to the Marvel movie lineup, Nick Fury.

The figure has a very good likeness to Samuel L. Jackson. Love the head sculpt. Mine has his eye painted looking to his right, so that's a complaint for me. There's great detail on his clothes, especially like his coat. The coat though, along with his holsters get in the way of his arms. He can't put his arms down by his side because of them. The coat is flexible, but it can get in the way for certain poses. I think you can remove it, but I'm not going to try it.  

He comes with four weapons, two machine guns and two hand guns. He can hold them well as you'll see below. The hand guns fit nicely in the holsters.

Articulation. Hes got a ball and hinge neck. Shoulders have ball and hinge joints. There's bicep swivel, double jointed elbows and wrists have swivel and hinge. Torso pivot. Hips have ball and hinge joints. They are very stiff and difficult to move. There's upper thigh swivel, double jointed knees and ankles have swivel and hinge.

That's the movie Punisher's bazooka in case you're wondering.

He's almost the exact same figure as the Marvel Legends two-pack Ultimate Nick Fury. The differences being the head sculpt, type of shoulder holster and colour. I prefer the dark grey pants and the simpler shoulder holster on this movie figure.

These two can be brothers.

He's rather tall compared with these other movie figures. Would prefer him to be around the same height as Iron Man. Hopefully the new Avengers movie figures will be at least that height.  

Nick Fury is a nice figure and a must get for the Marvel movie lineup.

"There was an idea, to bring together a group of remarkable people. So when we needed them, they could fight the battles that we never could."

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Marvel Universe Thor Repaint

Spotted this at retail. Wasn't aware of this repaint.

He's the same figure as the previous release. The base is the same as well and he also comes with the "classified" file.   

A quick comparison. Love the new deco, makes him stand out. I will probably give him the old Mjonir though, the lightning version is a little distracting to me.    

My first thought when I saw him was SDCC Thor. 

I really like this figure. I actually almost missed him. I usually just scan the card art for any new figures. There was also a richer coloured First Appearance Captain America which I didn't get.  

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Captain America Movie Series 6" Captain America

The movie Thor was great and this Cap looks just as good!  

The figure has a decent likeness to Chris Evans, its more prominent at certain angles. From the front view, the face is a little chubby. Maybe it would be better if the cheeks were thinner. The image on the back of the card looks better. Looks like the figure has different lips too. The costume looks great, excellent detail. I think the boots are too big and thick, they look the same size as his thighs. No major complaints on the paint application, like the wash on the white areas. The little red on his upper chest does not really align with the red straps on his abdomen.  


He of course comes with his shield. There are two straps which enables him to hold it securely with either hand. Would have preferred if they made it so he can carry the shield on his back as well. 

He also comes with pistol and a machine gun. Would have liked a strap for the machine gun.   

The handle of the pistol is rather big. But he can hold it properly and it fits nicely in the holster. The catch can be closed properly too. 

Articulation. The head can rotate and look up and down. Shoulders have ball and hinge joints. There's bicep swivel, double jointed elbows. Wrists have swivel and hinge. Torso pivot. Hips have ball and hinge joints. There's upper thigh swivel, double jointed knees and ankles have swivel and hinge.


A comparison with the comic based figures. He's smaller than ML1 Cap. 

The movie bunch is growing. Would have liked Cap to be taller but I'm okay with it.   

This movie Cap is another great figure. Can't wait for the Avengers movie and more figures to hit!