Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides series 2 4" Jack Sparrow

"This is without a doubt the worst pirate I have ever seen." 

Not quite. This figure is actually pretty decent. 

This Jack Sparrow figure is from series 2. Identifiable by the long coat he's wearing. I prefer this version for the more complete attire. The head is a bit too big but I'm okay with it. Its got a pretty good likeness, the only thing is that he looks rather bored, or more likely, drunk. His hair is made of soft PVC so you can still turn his head. He's made slightly leaning back which helps depict his mannerism. There's some nice detail on him, like the folds of his clothes and boots. On his belt he's got his compass, his dish cloth and the shrunken head of his mother. One thing which I dislike is that the paint is too clean. It's like he just bought his attire. 

I think he looks better without his hat.

Besides the hat, he's got two pistols and a sword for accessories. The hat could use  some paint to make it look weathered and the pistols could use some bits of silver or gold paint for the metallic areas.

There's a strap for him to carry his sword but he won't be able to put his arm down.

His left hand is open but you can still hook the sword to it. Or if you like, you can have him fire it with his right hand.

The figure has mainly peg and hinged joints. Articulation at the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, waist, hips and knees.

He also comes with a roleplay ring. Press the skull button to shine a light on the figure to reveal the zombie feature. I tried it out, aside from his face, I didn't see the feature on any other part of his body.

He can fit in with the Zizzle 4" POTC line. 

And with some other lines.

Hope the later waves get released. Looking to get a few more characters. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

WWE Rumblers

Got these from a flea market. They're not in the best condition but they'll do for now.     

All of these figures are from the first series. They all have a pretty good likeness. They have articulation at the neck, shoulders or elbows and waist. 

John Cena, is posed to do his "You can't see me" bit. It falls a bit short, his hand covers his mouth rather than his eyes. But good effort. With wrestling figures, you want them to be able to do some signature moves or poses, even on a 2.5" figure.  

Sheamus came with John Cena in a two-pack. I know these figures are supposed to be deformed but I feel his upper body is a bit too long. Also, his left foot is made to be taking a step which causes him to be less stable. 

It's time to play the Game ! Triple H is a nice figure. Like his look and bulk. My figure lacks the print on his trunks. I'll probably get a replacement for him. Also looking to get Shawn Michaels which comes with him in a two-pack.    

CM Punk is a decent figure. His look is from when he was preaching "straight edge". His hands can get in the way of each other. Like the crosses on them. He's lacking some tattoos but he still looks good.

R-Truth spots a disappointed look on his face. Wonder if it could be part of the "conspiracy" he's been talking about lately. 

And finally, the Deadman, the Undertaker ! Nice figure. Like the hat, wished that it was removeable. Lacking tattoos but I quite like this clean look for him.  

The figures are pretty fun to play with.

They are in scale with DC Action League and Marvel Super Hero Squad.

I'm considering getting the ring for them. In the mean time, "Let's get ready to rumbbbbllleeeee !!!" 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Green Lantern Hal Jordan

With the movie just days away, thought I do a post on the Hal Jordan figures that I have. 

First up is Hal from the Super Powers line. Its actually quite a decent figure. He's got a fairly good likeness. Just a bit oversized. Squeeze his legs for Power Ring action. He comes with a lantern accessory and a mini comic.   

Next is a custom Hal Jordan for the JLU line. The actual JLU Hal figure is too expensive to get. Only a handful were made and they were not available for sale.

Mattel eventually released a JLU Hal Jordan figure in a SDCC exclusive three pack. But it wasn't what I wanted. Still, the figures were nice additions. 

Hal in jump suit is based on his appearance in the  Green Lantern First Flight animated feature. The figures have interchangeable heads, so we could have Hal in Green Lantern costume. If you don't mind Hal being maskless and with an exposed neck, you got a decent figure.

Hal from the Batman Shadow Tek line. Nice figure. Has an unsightly cut around the neck. Pretty good articulation for an animated figure. Neck, shoulders, elbows, waist, hips and knees. Would have preferred a fist for his ring hand. Comes with a lantern accessory.    

Hal from DCUC wave 3. This figure is my favourite. Good look, and nice proportions. He comes with a lantern accessory.

From DC Infinite Heroes. Hal's wearing a modern costume. Nice look. Decent articulation. Would be better if he was as big and as tall as a Marvel Universe figure. 

From the DCUC Walmart Green Lantern Light five pack. This version spots an older look with streaks of grey hair. 

From the DCUC TRU exclusive two pack with Sinestro. You can see his eyes in this version. Shiny paint was used for majority of his body. Came with a couple of constructs.  

From the recently released DCUC wave 17. Not green but they're still Hal. Like the colours. Prefer the Black Lantern over White. Also like the yelling mouth.

And lastly, Movie Masters Hal from the Green Lantern movie. I borrowed this figure from a friend. Don't like him much. His mask looks like a raccoon's. He's a bit short and scrawny. Articulation is restricted in some areas due to the design. The lines on his costume are quite distracting too. On the plus side, he's got a fairly good likeness. He comes with a lantern accessory and also a C&C part of Parallax which I think is ugly.    

That's all the Hal Jordan figures I have. Hope the movie doesn't disappoints.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Subway Green Lantern Contest (Singapore)

This contest is for those in Singapore.

Post a picture of yourself enjoying a Power Up meal and the 10 most creative entries win a pair of tickets to the Green Lantern premiere on 15th June! The last day of entry is this Sunday, 12th June!

And increase your chance to win a trip to New York Comic Con !

Power up your sub from 5th June to 10th July, and win a trip for 2 to New York Comic Con 2011 and $50,000 of exclusive Green Lantern premiums! Unleash your super power and join the race now! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Spider-man line 4" Lizard

Hey toy-fans ! This is your friendly neighbourhood Spider-man ! Bet you're wondering why I'm here and how I got myself tangled in such a situation. Allow me to start from the begining.  

A couple of days ago, I came across an ad to check out some new figures. I was thinking how hard could it be and so I took the job. I could use the extra cash. I was paid up front and given an address to go to for my first assignment. 

When I arrived, I couldn't help but feel like I've been here before. I turned my attention to the carded figure. Whoa ! Its the Lizard ! What's he doing here !?! Last I heard he accepted a movie role. I whipped out my camera and snapped some shots. I must say that was a really nice picture of me on the package. Did I take that ? The other thing that struck me were the words "poseable tail". Wow ! That is a cool feature.


Uh-oh ! Spider-sense tingling ! The packaging mysteriously disappeared. The Lizard seemed frozen, he just stood there. He's just as gruesome as I remembered. Scaly as ever. Is that blood on the side of his mouth ? Hope he just bit into a tin of paint or something. Wonder if Doc Connors has any new lab coats, the one he's wearing is just filthy, tattered and torn. Nice shirt though. His pants looked oddly clean. Wonder if he and the Hulk exchange fashion tips.   

Movement ! His tail started spinning round and round. Now I understood the "poseable tail".

The Lizard slowly turned his head, looking around. Suddenly, he bolted for the sewer. I  followed of course, yours truly had to keep him out of trouble.

He seemed to know where he was going. When I caught up with him, he was wrestling with a croc like creature. Something was wrong ! The Lizard was just swinging his arms. Seemed like he could only move his shoulders and elbows.  

The croc got the upper hand. He ripped off the Lizard's tail !

I had to intervene ! The croc snarled at me and fled !

I went to check on the Lizard. He was still my friend. Should have known better than to let my guard down. While bent and seemingly resting, he slowly reached for his ripped off tail.

Which brings us to where we are now. He wrapped his tail around me, squeezing the life out of me. I wiggled a hand free and punched him in the mouth.

I broke free but I was about to be whipped. Webbing in his eyes should buy me some time.

I moved quickly, thinking of how I could trap him. What the ... !?! Did he just re-attach his tail !?!

Ooooommmff !

What happened ? My head... I must be seeing things... Are these guys are teaming up !?! Hmmm, they look about the same height... Snap out of it Spidey ! How are you going to get out of this !?!