Sunday, April 24, 2011

DC Universe Classics Jonah Hex

Finally got round to opening up DCUC 16. Jonah Hex is one of my favourites from this wave.

A great figure. Good sculpt with lots of detail.  His head is tilted downwards. What you see in the pics is as far as I can get his head up. The good thing though, is his eyes are looking upwards, so he can stare back at you.

His attire is weathered and dusty. His jacket is stained, torn and has a couple of bullet holes. 


His accessories include a shotgun and pistol which he can carry on person. The pistol is a bit soft and does not fit well in his holster. It drops out fairly easily.

The disfigured portion of his face. It's a little disturbing to look at.  

Great detail on his boots too. You can make out the threads on the sewn areas.

He cannot lift his legs much. The lower part of his jacket, although flexible, hinders him. 

Think I'll fiddle around with him for a bit before he goes onto the shelf. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

DC Action League series 2

Another good looking set of DC Action League figures.  

Batman vs The Joker

This pack is the must get of this wave. Batman especially looks great. His expression is serious enough and he looks all action with batarang drawn and flowing cape. I also like the shade of blue they used.

He's also got extra articulation in the form of hinge joints on his shoulders.

The Joker is decent looking. One thing is, you can't turn him at his waist much as his coat tails get in the way.

A comparison with the Brave and the Bold versions. They have their own appeal, but I prefer the current DC Action League versions.

Green Arrow vs Prometheus

Like GA's head sculpt and his bright green colours. The way he is posed, he's going to shoot someone's head off.

Don't know anything about Prometheus. He looks a bit like Batman. His visor looks cool. A check on wiki says he can download abilities through it. Lucky for his white cape to give him some contrast and make him a bit more noticeable.

John Stewart vs Atrocitus

John Stewart has a good likeness. His lips seem a bit fat but thats okay for these figures.  Paint is pretty bad on my piece. Like the giant rings they're giving these guys.

Red, mean Atrocitus has a good head sculpt with some nice detail. He appears a bit bigger than the other figures. His shoulder pads are stuck in place and they do not get in the way of him moving his arms.

Tomar-Re vs Low

Like the "don't mess with me" look Tomar-Re is spotting. The figure looks good. Nice bright colours. Dislike figures with extended arms when they don't really need to be. They can be an incovenience on the display shelf.

Low looks pretty good. There's a black mark on his head on my piece which is not supposed to be there.

The League is starting to come together. Superman looks to be a bit small now.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Singapore Toy Games & Comic Convention 2011

STGCC 2011
20 - 21 August 2011
SUNTEC Singapore Halls 401 & 402

STGCC returns ! Looking forward to it ! Liking the date. Exclusive toys to be sold ? Hopefully. See you there ! 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Iron Man Legends Series Crimson Dynamo

Didn't think we get wave 1 and now wave 2 has showed up. Picked up Crimson Dynamo. Love that we are getting more 6" Marvel figures but not at the price they are going for at retail.

Overall a good figure. My main issue with it is paint, especially on the red areas. If I had waited a bit, I could have gotten a better piece from another store. But with some figures, its better to pick up the first one you see on sight.    

Articulation is similar to Titanium Man's. You can check him out here.

He cannot lift his arms up that much due to his armor, which also prevents him from...

... bending forward as much.

Crimson Dynamo comes with a launching "electricity" blast. The launcher fits better on his hand than Titanium Man's accsessory.

Some comparison shots.

"You're going down Iron Man !"

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Thor movie 8" Destroyer

Thor stuff have finally hit retail. Managed to find this guy. I don't have the Marvel Legends Destroyer. This will do nicely for me.

First impressions, thought he looked fat and stumpy but I warmed to him. Good sculpt. A minor gripe is he's stuck looking down. 

He's just got basic articulation at the neck, shoulders and legs. 

He's got the height but think he could use a bit more bulk.

He looks better compared with Iron Man.